Filters reset when multiple filtering rules are added

Describe the bug

In a Set View, when I add 2 (ore more) rules, the first rule value is resetted.

To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Create a Set
    1. Open the set and create a view
    1. Add a filter in the view. For example, in my case, I added the filter “Name is none <name of a file>”
    1. Add a filter in the view. For example, in my case, I added the filter “Name is none <name of a second file, different from before>”
    1. See that the first rule will be resetted as the default value “Name All”

Expected behavior

It should be possible to set up multiple filtering roles

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Ubuntu 20.04.1
  • Device: Dell
  • Version: 0.18.57
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This report was marked with the solved tag, is it solved for you @quietwalker ?

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